I was hired to retrieve something that would take work to retrieve. There was an elevator with a weight sensor. I ran to the side to watch a group of men ride the elevator. I thought, “Surely he knows what it would take to get this item. He would have known all the challenges I would face and knew these group of men would be here right now.” I planned on how I would make it to the place where I wanted to be without being seen by the group of men, but it was risky.
This dream may reflect your subconscious desire to overcome challenges and achieve a difficult goal. Being hired to retrieve something suggests a sense of purpose or external expectation. The elevator with a weight sensor represents a potential obstacle or test that you need to navigate in order to reach your goal.
Seeing the group of men riding the elevator may symbolize competition or potential interference from others. Your thought that the person who hired you would have known the challenges you would face suggests a belief that someone in authority understands the difficulty of your task and expects you to overcome it.
Planning how to reach your desired destination without being seen by the men indicates your cautious and strategic approach to achieving your goals. The riskiness of your plan suggests that you are aware of the potential consequences and the need to be careful and stealthy in your actions.
Overall, this dream suggests that you have a determined mindset and are ready to face challenges and take calculated risks in order to achieve your objectives. It may be a reflection of your inner drive and determination in real life situations.